Regex - Extract A Substring Of A Email Document With A Regular Expression
I'm trying to extract a substring of a email document with a regular expression. I'm testing the regex online, and it works perfectly: online regex tester I have a function to che
Solution 1:
Using a literal regex instead of converting the string to a regex works.
var regex = newRegExp(/Intrusion signature\(s\)\:\n\n(.*)/);
Solution 2:
When you use regular strings with RegExp you need to escape every backslash. Here are some alternatives you can use. Another aspect to consider is that if you have CR+LF in your Spreasheet. In that case you need to change your code to include \r I've added some google API mocked code so that the code snippet can run here
// ----------------- Ignore this (Mock)Logger=console;
class_SpreadsheetApp { getActiveSpreadsheet() { classSpreadSheet { getSheetByName(name) {
classSheet { getRange() { classRange { getValue() {
return" * Intrusion signature(s):\r\n\r\n - This is the text I want to extract.\r\n\r\n * SI communication:\r\n";
} } returnnewRange(); } } returnnewSheet(); } } returnnewSpreadSheet(); } }
// ----------------- Ignore this (Mock)functioncheckRegExp() {
var data=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("LOG").getRange("C213").getValue();
var regex = newRegExp("Intrusion signature\(s\)\:\n\n(.*)"); // ORIGINALvar e = regex.exec(data);
var sol1 = newRegExp("Intrusion signature\\(s\\)\\:\\r\\n\\r\\n(.*)");
e = sol1.exec(data);
if (e) Logger.log("Solution 1:"+e[1]);
var sol2 = newRegExp("Intrusion signature\\(s\\)\\:\\W{2,4}(.*)");
e = sol2.exec(data);
if (e) Logger.log("Solution 2:"+e[1]);
var sol3 = newRegExp("Intrusion signature\\(s\\)\\:(?:\\x0d\\x0a)+(.*)");
e = sol3.exec(data);
if (e) Logger.log("Solution 3:"+e[1]);
var sol4 = newRegExp(/Intrusion signature\(s\)\:\r\n\r\n(.*)/);
e = sol4.exec(data);
if (e) Logger.log("Solution 4:"+e[1]);
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